I’m feeling like this scene could

“You’d better hurry up, I’m

“Finally out of bed? Everyone ate the

“Good morning, sleepyhead! You better

Scene set up, now just gotta animate it

Keaghan is go

Blawynn takes a visit to Colhen and hangs


Given that the post hasn’t gotten

>Tieve’s face when everyone wants

Oh wow, I honestly did not expect this one


“It ain’t gonna suck itself,

Since it’s been a while, I’ll

720px webmBecause there’s not nearly

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/SadFluidGermanwirehairedpointerSeems

Calne’s here to make sure you get your

W-well then…I’ve no idea what

Only Good End stuff from here on out

Two more, a good end, and a bad end left

Short series of pics I’m gonna be doing.

720px webmFound this model in the korean

Kardelle directing workflow at CaergateAlways

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/ShadowyFatherlyGoaEscort

A bit more Non-H Scarlet Blade before I get

A Non-H thing I did of my whipper in Scarlet

Kek, I got a right giggle outta this

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/KindCourteousGalapagoshawk

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/BaggyImpoliteEasteuropeanshepherd

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/MinorAnxiousBeardedcollie

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/FrequentAbsoluteCrocodileskink

Who says a nuclear winter can’t be

And here’s Gwyn and her gigantic stud

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/LeafyMindlessBrownbear

720px webm: Cam1: http://gfycat.com/PaleUnfinishedKingfisher

Hours later, after several dozen orgasms

720px webms: Blur: http://gfycat.com/FreshCaringBluejay

Looks like Hitomi found herself a new friend

No webm this time, due to how low-poly and

720px webms: Cam1: http://gfycat.com/NegligibleCoordinatedBasenji

720px webm: http://gfycat.com/ImpracticalBogusBass

And another quick render, this just being

In celebration of everyone’s favourite


And animations!SQueen is on the final stretch

Regina rewards her general for taking care

rochestedorm: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40372841/Regina_Pack.rar


